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Our team of passionate scientists, business leaders, and green technology entrepreneurs came together to fight climate change and pollution, issues that result in more than 7 million premature deaths each year. With our multinational experience and expertise, our data-driven integrity in our science process and drive, aiming to make a difference at scale.

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Mark DiCarlo

Founder and Director of Innovation

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James Kerton

Director of Research and Development

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Bernard Pittet

Co-Founder and Business Development

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Mark Banash

Vice President of

Research and Development

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Helene Thibieroz

CEO and Business Strategist

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Max Utter

Scientist and Grant Writer

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Our Technology  Slide 4v3.jpg
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Results from exhaust from a Magnum generator at 275C. 

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RainIons is partnering with the University of Northern British Columbia to determine the reaction mechanism

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Backup Generators

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Power Generation

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Industrial Boilers

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Exhaust Systems

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Refineries and Heavy Industry

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We are looking at strategic commercial and investment partners to accelerate the commercialization of our technology.


We look forward to hearing from you!

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Through our unwavering commitment to the environment, we envision a world where clean air and reduced carbon emissions are not just goals but a tangible reality for future generations.

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